Akihiko Ito

Birthdate: January 10th, 1983
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 201 lbs.
Debut: December 24th, 2005
Retirement: February 7th, 2010
Background: Amateur Wrestling
Promotion History: NOAH (2005 to present)
Alliances: None
Ring Attire:  Black trunks
Card Position:  Opener
Major Tournaments Won: None
Current Championship Held: None

Championship History


Biggest Matches:
- November 17th, 2007 vs. Tsutomu Hirayanagi
- April 25th, 2009 with Aoki vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru and Kotaro Suzuki (first title challenge)

- Ito with a Butterfly Suplex
- Crossbody by Ito

Featured Signature Moves:
- Bridging Butterfly Suplex
- Diving Body Press

Signature Moves:
- Dropkick
- German Suplex Hold
- Gutwrench Suplex
- Oklahoma Stampede
- Spinebuster

2006 Recap:
Ito debuted in late 2005 and for 2006 he mostly wrestled in opening matches as he gained experience. In SEM he got the opportunity to wrestle Yone and Takashi Sugiura in singles matches, and even though he lost (of course) he learned a lot in defeat. In late 2006 he was injured but he hopes to return to action soon.

2007 Recap:
In 2007 Ito continued to grow, wrestling in a fair number of singles matches opening the card. He had singles battles against the likes of Marvin, Hashi, Mushiking Terry and many others, and while he didn't win any of those matches it did help his development. In the Mauritius Cup he defeated Tsutomu Hirayanagi but lost in all the rest of his matches, showing that he is still a little behind his other dojo mates.

2009 Recap:
Akihiko Ito slipped behind his fellow dojo mates in 2009 and has some catch-up to do in 2010. In the spring, Ito teamed with Aoki to challenge Suzuki and Kanemaru for the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Championship, but the duo would come up short. In the Nippon TV Cup Jr. Heavyweight Tag League he teamed with Tsuyoshi Kikuchi, but they wouldn't get any points. He did not participate in the Jr. Heavyweight League in the fall and on the last tour of the year he continued opening events and not being an important factor in the promotion.

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